I have always been a very cultural person. Culture has been with me my whole life. My mother was very cultural, so it was obvious that I would be too, and I have two sisters. My sisters also love cultural things. From a very young age, I loved going to the theater and cinema, and I am very grateful to my mother for that. I\’ve also made friends who love culture. So if my boyfriend doesn\’t like culture, I don\’t know what I can do. My boyfriend also really likes movies and theater. So you can imagine how happy I was when he told me that. And I like that kind of classical music. Not everyone likes serious music. And when he told me that my friend also likes classical music, I was very surprised and happy. So at least three or four times a year I go to the theater to see classical music.”

I cizí kultura je zajímavá.

I think culture and classical music have something in common. I think those two things are what make us human. I think that\’s the only way to understand the world today. Because classical music is something that all people have to have. Or bring them to their knees. I first heard classical music about five years ago. And I must say that I really heard it by accident.

Baví mě i historie.

And I\’m glad I got over that and started enjoying culture. I\’m going to lead my children to culture as well. My children are still young, so they don\’t even know what culture is. But I am ready to lead them to culture. Because it is better for them to spend their free time in the theater than to do something illegal. Because today\’s children are the kind of children who don\’t know what to expect. So I am trying to get them involved in cultural activities. Of course, I won\’t force them. Maybe they will enjoy it. I want them to enjoy the culture as much as I do.

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