Every country, not just ours, has cultural heritage. It usually consists of historical monuments, and our country has many monuments. Of course, not all historical monuments are cultural heritage. Only those that are truly important or related to significant events are considered cultural heritage. Nevertheless, many castles and chateaus are included in the cultural heritage list. And in fact, most governments try to protect and preserve them as much as possible. But why?

On the surface, it may not seem so important. After all, it has essentially no impact on our lives. The average person sees them primarily as a curiosity, a place for a Sunday outing, and essentially has nothing to do with them. So there is no reason to focus on preservation.

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But it turns out it is not that simple. In fact, there are other interests that are more important. The first, of course, concerns history. These monuments are its living legacy, not only reminding us of it, but also part of it. These ramparts were walked by important men, and important events took place here.

i tradice patří ke kultuře

It may seem strange, but it is important to remember history. For if we do not, we risk forgetting that history. And we will not be able to learn from it, and the same thing may happen again. That would be a great shame. For example, more and more people are denying the Holocaust, an event that happened 100 years ago and is very well documented. What are some of these historical events that are being forgotten?

Therefore, it is almost necessary to keep them in good condition as a constant reminder of what happened, good and bad. Without this, we would lose much, and that would be a great pity.

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