One of the top rated novels is George Orwell\’s “1984” This 1949 work is one of the most remarkable works of the entire 20th century. It stands out above all for its brilliant analysis of all totalitarian regimes. Second place goes to Leo Tolstoy\’s Anna Karenina, first published in 1877, which was also made into a film in 1967. To date, the novel has been adapted to film a total of four times, most recently in the UK in 2012. Third place was taken by a much younger novel, Radka Třeštíková\’s “Bábovky,” published in 2016.

In this category, Brazilian author Paulo Coelho\’s “The Alchemist” took first place; published in 1988, the book has been translated into 34 languages and has sold over 10 million copies. The runner-up in this category was Antoine de Saint-Exupéry\’s “The Prince of the Stars,” a rather unusual fairy tale but with a philosophical background. The book was published in 1943 and has been translated into 202 languages to date. Interestingly, the first edition of the book was published in English.
In the science fiction category, the best book was John Wyndham\’s The Day of the Triffids, the first volume in the series, published in 1951; in 2009, the book was adapted into a two-part movie. In second place was a much more recent entry in the Hunger Games series, namely The Power of Defiance, Volume 3. Written by author Suzanne Collins in 2010, the book won a total of three awards, one of which was the GoodReads Choice Awards; third place went to Anthony Burgess\’ A Clockwork Orange, published in 1962, which was the first book in the series to be published in the United States.
First place in the poetry category went to Czech author Václav Hrabětě for Blues, published in 1995. Most of the poems in this collection were arranged to music by Vladimír Mensík, and this arrangement made the poem “Variations” world famous. Second place also goes to a book by a Czech author, “Elegy” by Ilie Orten, published in 2013 and full of love lyrics. Third place went to Edgar Allan Poe\’s “The Raven”. The piece was published in 1845 in the New York Evening Mirror.