Garden pergolas can be built by yourself. Even DIYers who are not confident in their skills can find a variety of instructions on the Internet, including important notes on anchoring, how to calculate structural strength and load-bearing capacity, and more.

stín pergoly

All that is needed are basic hand tools–a drill, ratchet or side wrench, circular saw, level, tape measure, chisel, mallet, and hammer. There is no need to pour concrete into the ground for the foundation. The vertical posts are secured with special ground screws that can be purchased at hobby markets.

Always start with the middle rafter, and once the rafters are up, set the other rafters to the required spacing. One horizontal rafter should be fastened to the masonry and the other should stand vertically parallel; the two horizontal rafters should be joined with battens at precise intervals and secured with roofing material or left loose.
wisterie u pergoly

How to choose the size of the structure – using models and simulations

The height of the pergola is usually around 220 cm, with support beams spaced about 2.5 to 3 m apart. The spacing between the ceiling panels is usually 50 cm. before starting construction and purchasing materials, at least sketch out your ideas on paper and simulate them on site using a string. This string should be temporarily fixed where the structure will stand and moved as needed. Several factors come into play in the spatial arrangement, including the position of the sun, the view of the rest of the garden, and the amount of shade.

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