l Be mindful when redecorating

You are afraid to paint only white walls! You will be amazed at how well it turns out. A colorful environment adds an extra dimension to most people\’s comfort. Furthermore, favorite colors are part of a person\’s personality and must be expressed. Soft colors or strong tones can change the feeling of a space and the effect of light. Contrasts with apartment furnishings are also permissible.
vystavené věci na prodej

l Create the right floor

The floor is essential to the impact of the space. Tile and stone look cool, while planks and parquet are a bit boring but traditional. For a quick and effective change, a combinable carpet is the way to go. However, colors should be tonal to avoid becoming too drab. Different sizes and patterns create more tension than strong contrasts.
If you have more rugs than living space, visit ……. Make sure they overlap! Create a puzzle of rugs. Or create subtle optical effects by lining them up side by side or overlapping them.

l Show what you like

Do you have a piece that looks ordinary but captivates you? Or do you have an heirloom that you must keep hidden for emotional reasons? Have the confidence to pull it out of your closet or basement and create a personal collage. For example, framed photos, found objects, or anything that creates a new and unusual setting.

l Make the most of your hobbies

Whether it\’s a quirky decorative piece or a precious one-of-a-kind piece,show your passion for beautiful things! Your belongings deserve to be displayed in an exposed place at all times. Don\’t hide them.

l Trust your feelings
Life is very personal and intimate. Our homes serve as a refuge and a small island in our sometimes turbulent daily lives. Therefore, it must be comfortable and likeable. Don\’t be afraid to express your personality through your furniture, even if it doesn\’t match current trends in life. Style never goes out of style. Use what is important to you and create beautiful memories. Don\’t be afraid to experiment. Color in particular affects the final effect. Experiment with which interactions you find particularly appealing and apply them calmly as recurring elements, in various combinations!
lapač s peřím

l Most important tip: break with convention!

Some people are stubborn and their arguments are rarely questioned. For example, who would say that a sofa should always be placed against a wall? It often looks much better if it is placed freely in the room. This applies to other furniture as well, for example, a sideboard in the center can beautifully divide a large room into two living islands.